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Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Be on time and prepared. Obviously. This talent can cover for a lot of weaknesses.

Confidentiality. Remember students’ grades are confidential and should not be discussed with other students or GTAs per your FERPA training.

Professionalism. There is a fine line between being a caring adult and being a friend. Please do not make social connections with your students during the quarter. Do not let your desire to be liked by students get in the way of enforcing classroom policies.

Personal Safety. Use the same standards for your personal safety as you would in other areas of your life. Alert course coordinators when of any safety issues or concerns.

Your role as a TA and a resource: The importance of the TAs and the students’ lab experience

What makes a great TA from the students’ point of view?

¨ Responding to a diversity of perspectives, backgrounds and learning styles

¨ Recognizing effort and reaching out to struggling students

¨ Maintaining a professional attitude

¨ Distributing your time as evenly as possible among the students

¨ Identifying struggling students as early as possible

¨ Providing information about yourself and your background – students want to know!

¨ Conveying your excitement about science

¨ Learning student names and getting to know your students; Do roll call week 1, use seating charts and pictures to help, record interesting things about student during intros, ask for their nicknames, pronunciations and preferred pronounces -let them know that you are interested in knowing each individual

¨ Encourage discussion, questions, and student interactions starting from Lab 1