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BI223 Teaching Team

BI223 Teaching Team

Course Coordinators

Dr. Lori Kayes and Dr. Carmen Harjoe

Contact: [email protected]

Spring BI223 Instructors

There are 2 sections and 1 honors section of BI223. The Instructors are:

Sections 001 and 002 in LINC100:

Dr. John Fowler - Botany and Plant Pathology

Dr. Carmen Harjoe - Integrative Biology

Dr. Nathan Kirk (Honors) - Integrative Biology

Graduate Teaching Assistants

There are 25 Graduate Teaching Assistants (TAs) that teach the lab sections. These TAs come to us from a variety of departments and programs including Integrative Biology, Botany and Plant Pathology, Environmental Science, Molecular and Cell Biology, and others.

Teaching Interns

Undergraduate Teaching Interns assist the Graduate Teaching Assistants in the lab. Email the course coordinators for more information about the Teaching Internship Program.

Learning Assistants

Learning Assistants assist instructors during the lecture. Learn more about the Learning Assistant Program.

Lab Prep Staff

The Bi22x lab are prepared by a staff of undergraduate students.